About Seva Sadan
Seva Sadan Mahavidyalaya is established in 1954
Under the aegis of Seva Sadan Education Society, Regd. under Societies Registration Act 1860 by the enlightened citizens of Burhanpur. It is ideally situated on an hillock near the SH 27 and railway station road. The founding fathers of the college were the academicians and doyens of the society such as the founder Principal G.B.Chouksey and the Presidents of society Late Keshavrao Deshmukh, Late Vishwanath Shastri, Late Thakur Navalsingh, Late Fakirchand Kapoor, Late Thakur Shivkumar Singh & Late Thakur Mahendra Singh. At present Thakur Virendra Singh is the sheet- anchor of the society and is doing commendable service in the promotion of education considering the contemporary demands of the students. He is ardently exploring the potentialities of the new generation of students by providing magnificent academic ambience, infrastructural facilities and human resources orientation.